Tuesday, October 28, 2014


  This post is very late due. On October 4th Juliana Marie Gonzalez-Hughes was baptized at Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church (I know, what a mouthful lol)! She's my best friends daughter, so it was only right for me to get the honor of being her Godmother. I'm joking, but in all seriousness, I really am honored to be this little ones Godmother and to be apart of something so meaningful in her life. Being a Godparent is a tough job. I hope I can be a good example to her in her faith life. I already lover her as my own and I'm so excited to see her grow. I hope she can trust me enough that when she gets mad at her mom she knows she can come to me and I'll say 'yes'.
  In my opinion, getting baptized is an important part of your life.  If this post is not your cup off tea so far, you can gladly exit out while I continue to speak marvelous things about getting baptized. I know some parents are like, "I want to wait until my child is older so they can make their own decisions on what religion they want to take part of." or "I don't want to force religion upon them." Well, by the time your kid is old enough to even understand what religion is, you've already accustomed them to your lifestyle and therefore not letting them make their own decisions. The sooner your baby gets baptized the better, so that God forbid anything happen to them, they'll go to heaven! :)) 

My little princess Jules.

Mark 10:14 "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Juliana & her Godparents.

Godparents & mom and dad.
BFFs & BFFs.

Being a cutie everywhere he goes & Sophie the Giraffe getting slobbered by Luca.

"Luca don't look at my underwear!'

Their #OOTD.
As far as my Luca, his baptism is being planned as well. I'm really upset with myself for waiting so long. It's been difficult trying to set the date. But it is what it is. It'll happen though!!

 On another note, I'm sorry I am taking decades to update. I've been having some technical difficulties, if you will haha. I have so many ideas for new blog posts. Especially with the Holidays coming! So excited for what's to come!

UPDATE: We finally set a date for Luca's Baptism just today! Yayyy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stay at Home Mom VS. Working Mom TAG

My sweet sweet Luca turned 4 months on 9/30/2014!
 (Technically bc Sept. doesn't have a 31st)
Hello! I was tagged a while ago by a friend of mine who as a YouTube channel but I told her I'm not very good at making videos. Now that I have my blog I thought I could share on here! So here are my responses for the SAHM VS. Working Mom TAG!

Do you work at home or outside of home?
- I work outside of home for Pereira & Company,CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

What is your job title?
- Office Manager/Bookkeeper

What are your main responsibilities at your job?
- I mainly do all of the bookkeeping and payroll. Which at times, can be the most boring thing in the world but I don't complain. I also answer the phone, schedule meetings, meet with clients, every now and then, and pretty much do anything else that needs to be done! I do a lot of things lol

When did you return to work after having your child?
- I returned after 7 weeks.

Did you go to school for this career?
- I did not. I was in school before having Luca and plan on returning in the near future to study accounting.

How many hours do you work a week?
- 40

What do you do for child care?
- Luca's great-grandma cares for him while I'm at work. Don't let the 'great' part scare you. She's very young and does a great job at taking care of Luca along her other grand kids.

Has your job changed since having children?
- No and yes. The work hasn't changed but my routine has.

What is one thing you love about being a working mom?
- Obviously the money part so I don't have to rely on anyone for financial aid and getting out of the house is always good lol

What is one thing you hate about being working mom?
- Being away from Luca for long periods of time. I remember telling someone I almost forgot I had a son at work because of long period of time we don't see each other lol. I miss taking naps with him during the day and being able to get chores done around the house. Nowadays I barely have time to make my bed. My greatest fear is that I'll miss an important milestone in his life, like his first steps or his first words. So the time spent with my Luca is very much cherished!

Some days it's nice enough outside in 
GA to wear batman onesies :) 

Other days you need to layer up with an adorable sweater.

Porque esta tan chulo mi nino!?